Prevention is better than cure!!. More than the cost, it is about the sheer joy of living a happy life without having to worry about one’s health.
Springleaf Health Checks offer you a wide range of screening programs to suit individual needs:-


Polycystic ovarian disease is a problem in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance. It can cause problems with your periods and make it difficult to get pregnant. PCOS also may cause unwanted changes in the way you look.Patients suffering from PCOD are often obese and may have excessive facial and body hair as a result of the high androgen levels

PCOD Diagnosis @ Rs.1200/-
-Total Testosterone
-Ultrasound Pelvis
-Gynecologist consultation

Premarital checkup

PreMarital Checkup conducting examination for soon-to-be married in order to identify if there is any injury with genetic blood diseases such as sickle-cell anemia (SCA) and some infectious diseases such as hepatitis B, C and HIV “Aids”. This is in order to provide medical consultation on the odds of transmitting these diseases to the other marriage partner or the children in the future

PreMarital Checkup - Male @ Rs.2270/-
-Lipid profile
-Complete Haemogram,
-Blood Group & Rh Typing,
-Urine routine,
-Semen Analysis
-Consultation with Physician
PreMarital Checkup - Female @ Rs.2450/-
-Blood Group & Rh Typing,
-Urine routine
-Pelvic Ultra Sound screening,
-Consultation with Gynecologist

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