At Springleaf Electronics city, we make all the efforts to help your pregnancy to be a pleasant experience.

Due date Calculator

We prepare you for pregnancy with our program on “HAPPY PREGNANCY” session. This program educates – what to expect during the pregnancy and the changes that’ll occur in them.

Our “HAPPY CHILD, HAPPY MOTHER” program is unique. It prepares the mothers to take care of their young ones during the first 3 months of child birth. This period is supposed to be the most difficult period, but we’ll teach you tips and tricks to make it a very enjoyable period

We conduct “ANTENATEL and LAMAZE CLASSES” that cover exercise (including pelvic floor exercises).Practice of various breathing techniques for managing pain in labor. Prenatal yoga and asanas for maintaining flexibility and stamina

How can we help you during your pregnancy?

Staying healthy during pregnancy depends on your habits, so it is crucial to arm yourself with information regarding the many ways you can keep yourself and your baby as healthy as possible

Regular check-ups

The key to protecting the health of your baby is to get regular Prenatal care. Getting Prenatal care as soon as you know you are pregnant (or, if possible, a while before you conceive), and seeing your health care provider regularly as your pregnancy progresses, is vital to yours and your baby’s health.

You should have your first examination during the first 6–8 weeks of your pregnancy, during which your doctor will figure out exactly how many weeks pregnant you are based on a physical examination and the date of your last period. If you are healthy and there are no complicating risks, you can expect to see your healthcare provider:

Every 4 weeks until the 28th week of pregnancy.
Every 2 weeks until the 36th weeks of pregnancy
Once a week until delivery.
Throughout your pregnancy, your healthcare provider will check your weight and blood pressure while also checking the growth and development of your baby. During the span of your pregnancy, you will also have Prenatal tests, including blood, urine and cervical tests, and at least one Ultrasound.

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